Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take a Foundational Formula (or other Intelligent SelfCare Formula) if I am on prescription medication?

Dr. Powers FOUNDATIONAL Formulas are likely compatible – and potentially beneficial in conjunction – with most medications as they help compensate for any nutrient deficiencies caused by certain medications.

However, if on prescription medication it is still advisable to check with your doctor particularly before beginning any botanical-containing supplements, as are within most Intelligent SelfCare Formulas. (Note that only doctors experienced in and practicing integrative or functional medicine are truly knowledgeable in supplementation.)

Can I take a Foundational Formula (or other Intelligent SelfCare Formula) if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

It is best to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements when you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

What might I expect from taking a Dr. Powers’ Foundational Formula, and how long should I expect to be on a program before I notice results?

The benefits gained from the nutrients and gut/detoxification support within the Foundational Formulas is “cumulative” and vary from person to person and depend on their unique circumstances. That said, if you generally feel well, this formula will help you stay well. Dr. Powers’s recommends to do 3 months of their “matched” formula which should be enough time to shift ones’ physiology and begin to see and feel the results (i.e, in conjuction with a few diet and lifestyle changes, as outlined in his digital book “Foundations for Creating Optimal Health”, that comes with every Foundational Formula purchase.

If you are experiencing some health challenges associated with nutrient deficiencies, toxicity, or gut issues, then you might expect to begin to feel improvement from the cumulative effects of the supplementation beyond the 3 months. (For additional support in specific areas, refer to the Restorative and Condition-Specific Intelligent SelfCare Programs).

If you can’t afford your “matched” formula for at least 3 months see “What If I cannot afford the recommended, best matched, Foundational Formula” in the FAQ section

Why are Dr. Powers Formulas prioritized for safety even over efficacy?

Without the advantage of a doctor-client relationship, I have defaulted to more conservative recommendations. It makes more sense to me to err on the side of caution rather than to offer additional or different guidance which may be more beneficial for some, but at the risk of being potentially detrimental for others.

Why would I likely be better off taking a Dr. Powers Formula versus supplements I have personally researched or that were recommended to me?

If you are taking (or are considering taking) “self-prescribed” supplements, either from “Googling” supplements or from the recommendation of a well-intended friend or family member, know that it may result in suboptimal or even potentially harmful outcomes, and you would likely never know it.

Without the knowledge, training, and experience in nutritional medicine (as an experienced integrative physician has), it is difficult for you to determine if a supplement would likely be (or has been) safe and beneficial for you or not. So, aside from supplements prescribed for you by an integrative physician practicing functional medicine, your next best bet would be an Intelligent SelfCare formula, as all have been highly researched and vetted over a 40-year period by Dr. Powers.

What makes Dr. Powers Formulas unique and trustworthy?

Dr. Powers Formulas are:

  • Individualized – match your formula based on your age, medication usage, health, and
  • Bioavailable – highly absorbable; chelated; and dosed at time of day for optimal benefit (chrononutrition)
  • Guaranteed for purity and potency – pharmaceutical grade; independent third-party lab analyses
  • Safe and beneficial – a full complement of the right quantities and ratios of the most commonly deficient nutrients
  • Convenient and cost-effective – packaged in daily dose packets to save time and money (no left over bottles) and with AutoShip option available (save 5%).

Dr. Powers’ formulas fulfill the most commonly deficient nutrients revealed after measuring patient levels for over 40+ years; contain only the highest quality, pharmaceutical-grade ingredients in safe, effective quantities, and optimal “forms” and ratios; and include nutritional dosing recommendations at the time of day to achieve the greatest benefit (i.e., via chrononutrition).

Also, all Dr. Powers Formulas are manufactured by Xymogen, Inc. After touring and evaluating their manufacturing facility on numerous occasions, Dr. Powers found their quality standards to meet and exceed that of premium-grade ingredients.

Once on a Foundational Formula, should I discontinue any other supplements I was taking?

Probably so, as it would help ensure you are not over-supplementing any particular nutrient (which may occur if you continue to take supplements you were taking previously in conjunction with your Foundational Formula). It also doesn’t make sense to invest in supplements that you don’t need. Additionally, any natural medicine (like botanicals or special “formulas”) you may have been taking may or may not have been beneficial, so reconsider your decision there as well.

If you are looking for additional support in a specific area – like with sleep or building greater stress resilience – add on a Restorative Program. If seeking support with immunity, gut health, blood pressure, blood sugar, bone health, etc., then a Condition-Specific Program would make sense for you.

Should I discard my other supplements that I purchased before receiving Dr. Powers Formulas?

Possibly, as it is best not to experiment with supplementation that you aren’t absolutely sure will likely do you more good than harm.

Without the knowledge, training, and experience in nutritional medicine (as an experienced integrative physician has), it is difficult for you to determine if a supplement would likely be (or has been) safe and beneficial for you or not.

So, aside from supplements prescribed for you by an integrative physician practicing functional medicine, your next best bet would be an Intelligent SelfCare formula (beginning with a Foundational Formula) as all have been highly researched and formulated and vetted over a 40-year period by Dr. Powers.

Why are there different or missing pills in my packets (or, why have I received a separate bottle with my order)?

There may occasionally be instances where we experience delays in getting a supplement from our manufacturer due to supply chain issues. When this occurs, Dr. Powers will designate a substitute to ensure you have what you need in your Foundational Formula. In some instances, the substitute may be shipped separately if it is in a separate bottle. In the rare event that Dr. Powers cannot source an appropriate substitution, you will be refunded the value of the missing item, and you will be notified via e-mail. Foundational Formula prices will not be affected in the case of substitution.

If I consult an integrative physician can I continue taking Dr. Powers' Formulas?

Share with them any SelfCare diet, lifestyle, and supplementation you have been following/taking, and after their workup (examination, testing, etc.) ask what supplement support you might need in addition to what you have been already taking (unless the doctor prefers to create their own supplement prescription for you).

Note: Bring with you the Supplement Fact sheet for any formulas you are taking. They can be found (and downloaded) from the product page in my shop.

What if I cannot afford the recommended, best matched, Foundational Formula revealed from my quiz?

If your budget is tight, try and take the optimal formula matched to your needs (from your quiz results) for three months and then reduce to a lower-priced formula after that. This approach will help replenish nutritional deficiencies quicker, and as a result, will get you feeling and functioning better sooner than later!

Note: Most Foundational Formulas are designed to be taken 5 days a week which means you will only be purchasing every 6 weeks and not every month! Take the Quiz here to find your matched formula!

Optionally, if the above isn’t feasible for you, then the next best plan would be:

  1. take your “matched” formula for 1 month, then then reduce to a lower-priced formula after that. For example, if your matched formula is a  “Max” formula do that for a month  then go with the “Plus” formula, and so on.


2. select the Foundational Formula closest to your matched formula that you feel you can afford. For example, if a “Max” formula was recommended but exceeds your budget, then go with the “Plus” formula, and so on.

When do Dr. Powers Formulas expire?

Dr. Powers Formulas have a (tested) three-month shelf life, though the ingredients in these packets have been shown to be shelf stable for up to about a year (and possibly longer) when properly stored (out of sunlight/heat and in a cool, dark environment). Note: If at any point any capsule changes color or develops blotchy discolorations, it may be a sign that it has oxidized. To be safe, do not take it and discard the product.

What Intelligent SelfCare Program would be a good start for me?

While all Intelligent SelfCareTM programs are beneficial on their own, a Foundational Program is the best place to start as it supports your most fundamental need to stay or get well. It includes key diet and lifestyle guidelines, daily supplementation (Dr. Powers Formulas – matched to your age, health, diet, and medication usage), and support materials to help you implement healthier habits and routines and have them “stick.”

You can then stack a Restorative and/or Condition-Specific Program for additional support, like with sleep, managing stress, improving gut, bone, or prostate health, or for support in regulating blood pressure or blood sugar.

Learn more about Foundational Programs.

Discover which Foundational Formula is best matched to your needs by taking this brief, 4-question quiz.

How can I get the most benefit from an Intelligent SelfCare Program?

By first providing for your most fundamental diet, lifestyle, and supplementation needs. To do so, begin with a Foundational Program and take advantage of the included HomeBuddy and HealthTracker, both of which help you implement healthier habits and have them become part of your daily routine.

Then, as needed, add a Restorative Program (for more restorative sleep or build resilience) or a Condition-Specific Program (for support in gut health, immunity, and more).

Whichever program you engage, do your best to consistently apply the guidance within so you may experience the maximum benefits.

Can I do more than one Intelligent SelfCare program at a time?

Yes. You can safely combine the supplements from a Foundational Program with the supplements from a Restorative or Condition-Specific Program (as needed) without worrying about over-supplementing any ingredient.

That said, it is best to avoid combining several Condition-Specific Programs at the same time to avoid over-supplementation, overwhelm, and/or confusion. Instead, choose the Condition-Specific program you feel supports the area you are most concerned about and desire improvement within.

Do I need to see a doctor while on an Intelligent SelfCare Program?

Not necessarily. For minor symptoms and health challenges, consider trying one (or more) Intelligent SelfCare Programs – beginning with a Foundational Program – and seeing how you feel after two to three months.  If, after that time you are not feeling significantly better, then pursue seeking professional care from an integrative/functional medicine physician for additional guidance and support.

If I consult an integrative physician can I continue taking Dr. Powers' Formulas?

Share with them any SelfCare diet, lifestyle, and supplementation you have been following/taking, and after their workup (examination, testing, etc.) ask what supplement support you might need in addition to what you have been already taking (unless the doctor prefers to create their own supplement prescription for you).

Note: Bring with you the Supplement Fact sheet for any formulas you are taking. They can be found (and downloaded) from the product page in my shop.

If I am currently a client of Dr. Powers and on a customized formula, can I transition to an Intelligent SelfCare Program?

Although your customized supplement recommendation – based on Dr. Powers’ interpretation of your health and medical history, exam findings, and test results – is optimal, if you can no longer afford your recommended supplementation, your next best bet is to request Dr. Powers to review your Personal Nutrition Prescription (PNP) and prioritize his recommendations. Otherwise, get on a Foundational Formula matched to your age, health, diet, and medication usage. To discover your matched formula, take a brief 4-question quiz here. (If you opt to switch over to a Foundational Formula, please contact our office so Dr. Powers can update your healthcare program.)

What do I do with the leftover products from the 6 Day Detox kit?

You will have enough product left over after the 6 Day Detox to repeat it all again two (2) additional times – except you will need to purchase one (1) additional box of OptiCleanse GHI Sugar- and Stevia- Free Protein Powder from our shop whenever you are ready to repeat the program.

It is beneficial to repeat the program every one (1) to three (3) months.

Can I use your supplements if I am pregnant or nursing?

If you are pregnant or nursing, consult with your doctor before taking supplementation of any kind.

Can children take Dr. Powers supplement formulas?

These supplements were formulated for adults 18 years of age and older. However, periodically check back with us at as supplement recommendations for children are forthcoming.

What if I'm afraid to take or can't swallow pills?

The Potent C Guard supplement within the Immune Bundle is available in a powdered form, and ¼ tsp is approximately equivalent to 1 tabsule. You can also experiment with opening any of the capsules and mixing them into a little unsweetened applesauce.

If I want to be most proactive, what is my ideal purchase for both infection protection and illness recovery?

For daily immune support, get on a “matched” Foundational Formula (take the four-question quiz) and order a bottle of Mushroom Immune. For extra infection protection and illness recovery (if you become ill), order an Immune Bundle; Curaphen Extra Strength and Real Time Pain Relief cream (for pain relief); and Dr. King’s Lungs and Bronchial Relief spray (for cough relief).

If I can't afford all recommended illness recovery support, what should I take?

You will likely recover more quickly by taking all the immune support noted in the Optimizing Your Immunity guidebook. However, if you have budget constraints, the following supplements are listed in order of priority: 1) Mushroom Immune; 2) ADK Avail; 3) Potent C Guard; 4) Immuno-Zn zinc lozenges; 5) Biocidin TS; and 6) IMMUNE Paks™.

Should I continue taking my daily supplements while taking Illness Recovery support?

Temporarily discontinue your daily foundational supplementation (e.g., my Foundational Formulas or other comprehensive vitamin, mineral, or omega-3 formula) when taking increased TREATMENT doses of immune support, as noted in the Optimizing Your Immunity guidebook.

Can I take the immune supplementation if I am taking prescription medication?

Although recommended immune support is likely compatible and beneficial to take when on prescription medication, it is advised to check with your doctor before taking any botanical (i.e., herbal) medicine, as contained within the IMMUNE Paks™.

If I am pregnant or breastfeeding, can I take the immune supplementation?

Although likely beneficial, if pregnant or breastfeeding consult with your doctor before taking supplementation of any kind.

Will my body go through a "detox" while on an immune program?

The immune supplements do not facilitate detoxification. They offer support to your immune system and body to recover from an infection.

However, while taking immune supplements during illness recovery, your appetite will likely reduce and you may not eat for 1 or more days. (Even if you have an appetite, it is best to conserve energy and eat lightly, as described in my Immune guidebook).

The combination of your body’s healing response – facilitated by the immune supplements – coupled with eating significantly less than you normally eat (or even fasting), may result in fatigue and other symptoms commonly associated with a detoxification program.

What are the immune supplements recommended in the "Optimizing Your Immunity" guidebook doing differently than what I can get at a drug store or health food store?

Conventional over-the-counter medications to lower a fever, suppress a cough, or dry up mucus, all act in opposition to the body’s natural immune response. Fever mobilizes lymph and helps kill microbes, mucus helps “trap” microbes (before they get into circulation), and coughing helps expel the mucus (and microbes).

Beyond impairing the body’s attempt to heal, cough syrup has been shown to be highly ineffective and could potentially disrupt your body’s immune response and delay your recovery. Be sure to avoid cough syrup formulas with codeine as they carry significant side effects—and even more so in children!

The challenge with immune supplements available at a health food store is knowing which brands will actually get the job done – the quality, guaranteed purity and potency, and more. Then, there is determining the correct type, quantity, and dosage.

The immune supplements recommended within my Optimizing Your Immunity guidebook are highly researched for safety and efficacy (when used as directed), function synergistically with the immune system, and serve to facilitate the body’s immune response.

Success in infection protection and illness recovery with immune-supportive supplements depends on the inclusion of substances aligned with your physiology and immune system and that have sufficient research to validate its safety and efficacy. It is equally important to ensure it contains meaningful quantities and each ingredient is in the correct form and proportion, with guaranteed potency and purity upon expiration. All of my immune supplement recommendations honor the above requisites to safely and effectively optimize your immune response.    Dr. Richard Powers

Why do I need to take supplements to feel and function my best?

The vast majority of people (in the U.S.) are deficient in multiple key nutrients, the deficiencies of which impair one’s ability to heal, function well, and thwart disease.

There was a time when you could get the nutrition your body required from food alone, but unfortunately those days are long gone. Much of our food is now refined, bleached, chemically preserved, artificially colored and flavored, irradiated, riddled with hormones, and genetically modified. The food on our plate is nutrient-deficient, often contains rancid trans-fats, and falls way short in providing the nutrition your body requires.

Nutrient deficiencies have become so prevalent as a result of diminished food quality, an increasing toxic environment, and high, unmanaged stress. Poor dietary choices, a sedentary lifestyle, and disturbed or insufficient sleep further increases the need for supplementation to optimize nutrient sufficiency, as well as to support gut health and detoxification – both also impacted by an unnatural diet and lifestyle.

Even modest nutrient deficiencies, an imbalanced microbiome (gut microbes), and an increasing toxic body burden all impair one’s ability to heal, resist infection, maintain a healthy weight and shape, and generally feel and function well. All three of these challenges have also been shown to increase one’s vulnerability to chronic degenerative diseases, like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart attacks, strokes, and more.

What research studies substantiate the need for supplements?

You can find a list of some research studies that substantiate the need for supplements here.

What do supplements actually do?

Nutrient supplements replenish any nutrient deficiencies, helping to ensure every cell has the nutrition it requires to function optimally. For example, coenzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, omega-3 fats (EPA/DHA), and more.

Supplements as natural medicine (botanicals, probiotics, enzymes, homeopathic remedies, combination formulas) facilitate healing and function (like digestion, detoxification, etc.) as well as helping to safely manage symptoms. Some more common types of natural medicine include botanicals, prebiotics/probiotics, enzymes, antioxidants, polyphenols, homeopathic remedies, and combinations thereof.

Note: Supplements help accelerate healing and repair, as well as reduce disease risks. However, be aware that supplements are not a substitute for eating a healthy, nutrient-rich diet.

Will nutrient supplements compensate for my poor diet?

No. Nutrient supplements are helpful additions to your diet and can help fill some nutrient gaps. However, the highest quality supplements in the world cannot mitigate the harmful effects of a nutrient-poor diet, an inactive lifestyle, compounding sleep debt, repetitive negative thinking, and unresolved heartache or chronic stress.

That said, taking a properly formulated daily supplement in tandem with a more nutrient-rich diet will go a long way in supporting your health and well-being beyond what one’s diet alone can accomplish. Note: Each Foundational Program provides both dietary guidance and evidence-based supplementation to help ensure your nutritional needs are being met.

Learn more about Foundational Programs here.

Discover which Foundational Formula is best matched to your needs by taking this brief, 4-question quiz.

Is taking supplements worth my effort and expense?

Investing in and taking supplements may require some budget creativity and may be a little inconvenient. But not so much compared to how costly and inconvenient it is if you become ill and disabled from poor health.

Why can’t I get all the nutrients I need from my diet?

Much of our food is now refined, bleached, pasteurized, homogenized, chemically preserve, artificially colored and flavored, genetically modified, irradiated, and riddled with hormones and antibiotics. Even organically labeled food does not guarantee a full and robust spectrum of nutrients due to significant variability in farming techniques, soil quality, and more.

What supplements should I take?

The ones that will likely offer you the most benefit! The challenge is determining which ones those are!

Trying to assess one’s own nutrient needs – what to take, how much, in what form and ratio, and when – actually is difficult if not impossible. An experienced integrative physician practicing functional medicine is trained to exact one’s nutrient needs, but they can be few and far between and their healthcare services may not be affordable. (Our current healthcare reimbursement model isn’t designed around these types of services).

Intelligent SelfCare supplement programs were designed for these very reasons and provide doctor-vetted and highly researched diet and lifestyle guidance and supplementation. Whether new to supplements or a regular user, a Foundational Program is a good place to begin as it offers clarity in both what to “do” (key diet and lifestyle guidance) and what to “take” (beneficial supplementation). Each Foundational Program includes supplementation matched to your age, health, diet, and medication usage, and includes valuable support materials to help implement healthier habits and routines … and have them “stick!”

Bottom-line: The best place to start (or begin over) with supplementation is with a Foundational Formula as it is highly researched, contains pharmaceutical-grade ingredients, and includes the supplements that you most likely will benefit from.

Learn more about Foundational Programs here.

Discover which Foundational Formula is best matched to your needs by taking this brief, 4-question quiz.

What can I do to reduce the quantity – as well as the cost – of supplements I need to take?

The more live – think, eat, move, sleep – in alignment with your natural design, the less supplementation you will require to feel and function your best. Each Intelligent SelfCare Program provides the guidance and supplementation to point you in this direction, with the goal of only taking the least amount of supplementation you likely need … but not less than that!

Learn more about Dr. Powers’ Foundational Programs.

Discover which Foundational Formula is best matched to your needs by taking this brief, 4-question quiz.

How do I determine supplement quality, safety, and efficacy?

Short of a deep-dive into a manufacturer’s process and facility design, here are some important characteristics of a quality supplement:

  • Includes ingredients that your body will most likely benefit from
  • Contains the correct amounts, forms, and ratios of nutrients/ingredients
  • Are manufactured by a company that guarantees purity and potency (substantiated by 3rd party, random laboratory assays that are fully verifiable)
  • Does not include “experimental” ingredients that have insufficient research to ensure their safety and efficacy. (Note that conclusions from research studies on non-human species – such as worms or rodents – may not necessarily translate and apply to what is beneficial for you!)

What does “premium grade supplements” mean?

Premium grade supplements contain pharmaceutical-grade ingredients with guaranteed potency (at expiration) and purity (with third-party, independent lab analysis) for maximum safety and efficacy. Manufacturing this level of quality supplementation is time-consuming and expensive – which is why most supplements do not truly qualify as “premium grade” (regardless of their claims).

How can I tell if the supplements I’m taking are doing me any good?

It isn’t always easy to tell if supplements are beneficial as their effects are largely experienced over months or longer. For some, even then the benefits aren’t very noticeable. Yet others notice changes in how they feel, think, move, or function, though sometimes a perceived improvement attributed to a supplement may actually be the result of a concurrent diet or lifestyle change, less stress, or something else. This all makes it difficult to determine if the supplements you are taking are actually providing any real benefit or not.

This is why it is so important to choose supplements that are “intelligently” formulated and that will likely benefit you (and with very low potential for doing any harm long term). And, why it is helpful to receive periodic testing and examination (by an integrative physician practicing functional medicine) to assess your nutrient levels and your overall health trends and disease trajectories.

How can I assess the benefits (if any) of my supplementation?

Since supplement benefits tend to occur cumulatively and sometimes imperceptibly over time, when taking supplements (or making any diet or lifestyle change) it is helpful to periodically track how you are feeling (e.g., overall wellbeing, energy, mood, blood pressure; symptoms). Are you noticing or feeling any improvement in your health? Look for these changes perhaps after a period of several weeks to months, and not so much day-to-day or even week-to-week. (The HealthTracker, included in all Foundational Programs, helps you track these changes.)

To further assess the potential benefit of your supplements, see an integrative physician practicing functional medicine to regularly monitor your nutrient sufficiency and progress in key areas, e.g., blood sugar regulation; immunity; toxicity; inflammation; gut/digestive health; hormonal balance; stress management; and body composition. Specialized longevity testing (revealing one’s biological vs. chronological age) is also helpful to track one’s health trajectory.

What can I do if I have difficulty swallowing pills?

Sometimes pill swallowing challenges can be solved by taking one pill at a time and slowly taking your supplements. Pill swallowing difficulties may be the result of a “sluggish” (vagal) nerve response. Vigorously gargling with water for about 3 minutes, 2 or more times a day, may over time improve your ability to swallow pills. Until you become more comfortable swallowing pills, use supplements offered in a powdered form. (Look for “drinkable” supplement options at – coming soon!).

Can I take supplements if I am on prescription medication?

Although many supplements (particularly Dr. Powers Formulas) are likely compatible – and potentially beneficial in conjunction – with most medication, it is still advisable to check with your doctor before beginning any botanical-containing supplements. (Note that only doctors experienced in and practicing integrative or functional medicine are truly knowledgeable in supplementation.)

Can I take a supplements if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

It is best to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements when you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

What is your Refund Policy?

Our return policy is available at this link.

Do you offer free shipping?

Free shipping is available on many products and ALL product purchases over $100.

When can I expect my order to arrive?

Usually within about a week (within the U.S.).

How can I track my order?

A tracking number is provided with your e-mailed receipt after purchase.

Where do your orders ship from?

Currently they are shipping from Texas.

Can I ship to a PO Box?


Can I expedite shipping?

Unfortunately expedited shipping is not available at this time.

Do you ship internationally?

We do not ship internationally at this time.

Why are there different or missing pills in my packets (or, why have I received a separate bottle with my order)?

There may occasionally be instances where we experience delays in getting a supplement from our manufacturer due to supply chain issues. When this occurs, Dr. Powers will designate a substitute to ensure you have what you need in your Formula. In some instances, the substitute may be shipped separately if it is in a separate bottle. In the rare event that Dr. Powers cannot source an appropriate substitution, you will be refunded the value of the missing item, and you will be notified via e-mail. Formula prices will not be affected in the case of substitution.

How do I change or cancel my AutoShip orders?

You may change or cancel your AutoShip orders either by calling 855-765-0855 (Mon-Fri 10AM-6PM EST), or you may contact them at this link. NOTE: Changes to or cancellation of AutoShip orders requires a minimum of 10-days notice (i.e., prior to your next scheduled AutoShip) to ensure that your next AutoShip order is not processed.

Can I get medical advice for my condition?

Unfortunately, we are unable to give out advice or recommendations on medical conditions. Please reach out to an Integrative Physician or Functional Medicine practitioner. Find a doctor here.

What supplements can I take for my condition?

Unfortunately, we are unable to give out advice or recommendations on supplements to take for specific medical conditions. You may find a Condition-Specific supplement programs helpful to promote your health and healing, but not as a substitute for healthcare guidance from an integrative/functional medicine practitioner. Find a doctor here.

Will your Pain Relief Kit products help me with my pain?

The combination of the 3 products in my Pain Relief Kit provides most people with some relief. But, knowing that there is much more that can be done to assist with pain and that will be necessary for some people, i.e., beyond the natural medicine support within the kit, I wrote a book, “Your Guide to Pain Relief: Safe and Effective Pain-Relieving Strategies.” 

The guidance within this book coupled with the pain relief products in my kit will help you, whether it be direct relief from the information around effective pain-relieving treatments and procedures, anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle guidelines, exercises for neck and back pain relief, how and when to use supports, braces, and cold/heat therapies, as well as nutrients that can help relieve pain.

I include this book free with a purchase of either my “regular” or “large” pain relief kits. Alternately, you could purchase this book separately within my store, though I recommend taking advantage of the pain-relieving benefits with my pain kit products, as well.

Can you help me with supplement dosing?

All Intelligent SelfCare Programs offer recommended dosing.

How do I know when I need to seek doctor-guided care from an integrative physician?

For minor symptoms and health challenges, consider trying one or more SelfCare programs and seeing how you feel after two to three months.  If you are not feeling significantly improved at that time – or for moderate to severe health challenges – seek professional care from an integrative/functional medicine physician for additional guidance and support. Share with them any SelfCare diet, lifestyle, and supplementation you have been following/taking , but then follow their recommendations after their workup (examination, testing, etc.).

Is Dr. Powers taking new clients?

Currently, Dr. Powers is not seeing new patients. We recommend reaching out to an integrative /functional medicine practitioner that you can find here.

How can I find an integrative/functional medicine practitioner in my area?

You can locate an integrative/functional medicine practitioner here.

What are your thoughts about stevia and monk fruit as sweeteners?

From my book “Foundations for Creating Optimal Health“:

Minimize sugar in all forms, including brown sugar, coconut sugar, organic sugar, unrefined sugar, real maple syrup, and honey. The best choices—though still in moderation—are raw honey (local) followed by real maple syrup. For vegans, unrefined sugar (such as rapadura) and real maple syrup are their best options. Avoid artificial sweeteners, which can impact brain chemistry, and excessive use of stevia, which may have a negative impact on your gut’s microbiome and intestinal barrier integrity.

Also, all non-nutritive sweeteners may negatively impact blood sugar regulation and subsequently lead to increase in body fat and more sugar cravings over time. This includes both artificial sweeteners (Splenda; Sweet-n-low; NutraSweet; etc.) and natural sweeteners (stevia, monk fruit, sugar alcohols, etc.).

Here’s the best plan regarding sweeteners, in order of priority:

1-decrease your overall craving for sugar/sweetness (by slowly implementing my recommendations in my book, “Foundations for Creating Optimal Health”)
2-use modest portions of raw honey as primary sweetener
3-next best is real maple syrup and unrefined sugar
4-periodically use some monk fruit to help reduce “sugar” intake (if it is excessive and/or are over-fat)
5-periodically use some stevia to help reduce “sugar” intake (if it is excessive and/or are over-fat)

Who do I contact to set up an interview or a speaking engagement with Dr. Powers?

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