by Dr. Richard Powers
Reducing risk of infection certainly involves avoiding exposure from persons obviously ill and demonstrating symptoms of infection.
But the other half (or 90%!) of the equation has everything to do with promoting a robust and balanced immune response – your infection resistance!
Inarguably, what you think and do, day in and day out has been shown to have everything to do with your overall health, well-being, and boosting natural immunity.
Nutrient insufficiencies, sedentary lifestyles, disturbed sleep, toxic body burden, and chronic or recurring stress, all weaken immune function and open the door to infection – viral, bacterial, and fungal.
Research shows that eating well, ensuring optimal nutrient levels, moving often, sleeping soundly, minimizing toxic load, and stressing less ALL promote a strong and swift immune response to potential pathogens, and hence reducing the risk for and severity of infection.
To “back up” (and not replace!) these foundational better “thinking” and “doing” diet and lifestyle steps, various types of natural medicine are available to help optimize one’s natural immune response (or for their anti-microbial properties), and thereby reduce one’s risk of infection … or accelerate recovery if infected.
One’s natural immunity or “resistance” inevitably results from and centers around wholesome daily habits and routines, nutrient optimization, and judicious use of natural medicine.
Here’s a quick guide to time-tested, research-proven, action steps to help prevent, or recover from, infection:
⇒ Eating more green leafy and colorful vegetables supports immunity.
⇒ Exercise has been shown to improve immune defense and modulate (dampen) inflammation.
⇒ Deep, restorative rest also helps with inflammation (supporting a balanced immune response).
⇒ Getting ahead of stress also preserves the body’s natural antibody SIgA (secretory immunoglobulin A).
⇒ Nutrient sufficiency is critical to optimal immune response, for example:
- Vitamin C and immune function
- Modulation of the immune response to respiratory viruses by vitamin D
- Zn inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity …
- NAC is helpful for acute and chronic lung conditions; improves lung function; and an effective mucolytic.
- Omega-3 increases immune cell-to-cell signaling
Bottom line: Take action to optimize your immunity by:
- Modifying 2 or 3 diet and lifestyle habits that will do so … as detailed in Optimizing Your Immunity.
- Ensuring your foundational nutrient needs are being met … as within Dr. Powers’ Foundational Formulas.
- Having on hand safe and effective immune-supportive nutrients and natural medicine … as within Dr. Powers’ IMMUNE Bundle, Mini-IMMUNE Bundle, and IMMUNE Starter Bundle.
Shop: Dr. Powers’ IMMUNE Bundle (Immune Program)
Shop: Optimizing Your Immunity: A guidebook for infection protection and illness recovery, by Dr. Powers